Memory Profile Page

Nicole "Kristy" Tamara Fappiano

Evans, GA

Oct. 6, 1984-Oct. 25, 2018

34 years old

The Life Story

Born at St. Mary's Hospital in Athens, GA, on October 6, 1984.   She was born Kristina Nicole Williams.   She grew up in the Athens and Danielsville area of Georgia until 1991.  She then moved with her mother to the Augusta, GA, area.  

Kristy was married June 30, 2007, to David Fappiano.  Shortly after that, she changed her name to Nicole Tamara Fappiano.   She is survived by her daughters, Justina Leigh Fappiano, born February 13, 2012., and Gracie Lynne Jump, born March 19, 2003. 

She loved music, butterflies, angels and family.   She spent countless hours singing, listening to music, contacting and talking with family.  She lived most of her life in the CSRA where she was a homemaker and an Honorary Police Officer for the Department of Defense (Department of Army Civilian Police) at the Law Enforcement Center at Fort Gordon, Georgia.   She is the first Honarary DACP Police Officer  in United States History.

She trained many police women and security officers over many years who had difficulty passing range qualifications and were in danger of losing their job because of it. She trained them up from failing status to passing their qualifications as experts.  They often said that country girl does know how to shoot.

She is a Born Again Christian. She accepted the Lord, Jesus Christ, as her personal Savior and was baptized as a young woman. She lived a Christian life and prayed often.  And, with this, she also helped lead many others to our Lord Jesus for their own salvation.  She and her husband are members of St. Mary’s on the Hill Catholic Church In Augusta, GA.  St. Mary’s will have a candlelight vigil Mass held for her every year until the end of time.

She is here beside her sister, Jennifer Leigh Williams, and her paternal grandfather, Ervin Robert Williams.   She loved family and is surrounded here by many aunts, uncles and cousins. 

She will always be remembered with love, honor, dignity, and respect.




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